Wednesday, August 8, 2007

No need for an asterisk

Well gang:
Now that I've had about 24 hours to digest it, I can now give you all my feelings on Barry Bonds breaking the all-time home run mark.
I know a whole lot of people would liken Tuesday to the darkest day in the history of this country, but I'm not willing to take it that far.
Do I believe Barry Bonds used steroids? Absolutely!
Do I believe that could have played a part in him making history? Absolutely!
Do I believe Barry Bonds is -- for lack of a better term -- a jerk to the media and many fans? Absolutely!
Do I believe it is very easy to root against Barry Bonds? Absolutely!
Do I believe there should be an asterisk next to his name? Absolutely NOT!
The hardest thing to do in the world of sports -- I believe -- is hit a round ball with a round bat. I think Ted Williams first said that and I agree.
So do steroids help someone hit a ball? Of course not. And who among us can quantify how many home runs Bonds hit as a result of taking performance-enhancing drugs. 0, 10, 50, 100? There's no way to determine.
Let me make one thing clear. I am in no way a Barry Bonds fan! If he would have gotten hurt and never had a chance to hit that 755th home run to tie Hank Aaron I certainly would not have shed a tear.
But once we start attaching asterisks to records or milestones associated with this juiced ball, juiced player-era, we are heading down a very slippery slope.
Enough with the nonsense. Recognize the record for what it is. Besides, A-Rod will have that record in a few years anyway.
I only hope he's wearing Yankee pinstripes when he does it.
Take care and God bless.