Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A-Roid rage

It's been a few days since the Sports Illustrated broke the story about Alex Rodriguez testing positive for steroids while playing for the Texas Rangers in 2003 and 24 hours since the current Yankee slugger admitted to using PEDs from 2001-03 and I still can't get a handle on exactly how I feel.

I truly believe A-Rod was trying to be sincere in his interview with ESPN on Monday, but no matter what he does, he can't keep his foot out of his mouth.

In the end, he admitted to taking PEDs, although he is getting ripped for not remembering exactly what he took. I guess I won't be so hard on him. In talking with a buddy of mine today, he told me he is on three different kinds of blood-pressure medicine, but he can't remember exactly what meds he's on.

In the end, people make mistakes and they should be held accountable.

Does A-Rod deserve to pay for his crime? YES.

Will his legacy be tarnished forever? YES.

Should he branded a cheat or a liar? YES.

But can we give him a bit of a break for manning up and admitting to it, unlike Barry Bonds, Sammy Sosa. Roger Clemens and Mark McGwire? YES.