Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Enough already

I'm sure I'm echoing the thoughts or area athletic directors, coaches and athletes when I say: "Enough with the snow already!"

It's bad enough our area high school and college teams play too many games in too few days, but you add in the snow that leads to postponements seemingly every day and now we're entering that time where many teams in some sports may have to play twice as many games each week to catch up.

All these teams and players are in the same boat, so there's no competitive advantage or disadvantage. It just makes things more difficult for everyone.

Maybe Mother Nature has dealt us the worse when it comes to all this snow and we'll all be spared these postponements as we head into the postseason.

Then again if you believe that, here's a little more cold water.

The next predicted snow we are expected to get comes Saturday — just in time for the Section 9 wrestling championships.

Will it ever end?


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