Saturday, September 15, 2007

Recognizing greateness

Ok folks:
Time to acknowledge greatness.
I once again had the pleasure to watch Tiger Woods dominate a course and a tournament and being a longtime Jack Nicklaus fan I couldn't help but to stand up and applaud.
What this guy is doing for the game of golf could be said for what Michael Jordan did for basketball or Babe Ruth did for baseball.
This guy is absolutely on another planet. He knows it and so does his competition. Everyone in the PGA Tour is compared to Tiger -- whether it's Phil Mickelson, Vijay Singh, Ernie Els -- or any other golfer on the Tour.
But what I think I like the best about him is he seemingly doesn't care if he's liked. All he wants to do is win and pleasing people is seemingly not that high on his list. If you watch him struggling, he shows it -- whether it's from a facial reaction, a slamming of the club or the occasional four-letter word you can hear on TV.
I've spoken before about my feelings toward Phil Mickelson, who seemingly attempts to force a smile when everything else is going wrong on his round.
That's just not tight Tiger.
Which is probably the reason he will someday own all of golf's treasured records.
In many ways, he reminds me of Nicklaus, although I'm not old enough to have seen Jack play in his heyday.
But from what I've seen, while others of his era were worried as much about their image as their play, Nicklaus worried about winning tournaments.
Sounds a lot like Tiger and the current PGA Tour.
Oh, and by the way, as an update from my last post, we're only several hours from another 2 a.m. viewing of the Solheim Cup. Thankfully I'm off tomorrow and can get some sleep!
Like I said before, I think I need help.
Until next time, take care and God bless.


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July 2, 2016 at 9:01 PM 

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