Bump in the road
Two weeks ago, the Giants were the team to beat in many experts' minds. They were at the top or near the top of most power rankings.
Back-to-back losses to the Steelers and Bengals have changed all that. Now Giant nation is in a panic over what they perceive to be a free-fall. Eli Manning hasn't looked like himself. The defense is still trying to find itself, while the running game has been — for the most part — awful.
It's funny, but I seem to remember the same complaints about Big Blue about this time last year and look where they finished — as Super Bowl champions.
The Giants, like the Yankees, seem to be one of those rare teams that can turn it up a notch when they need to, as well as play down down to the level of their opponents from time to time.
Bottom line is, barring some unforeseen circumstances, I fully expect the Giants to be where they are seemingly every year — in the playoffs with a chance to win another Super Bowl.
Giants fans, take a breath. You have an entire off-week to do so.