Is anybody out there totally shocked or completely appalled by recent events involving Brett Favre and the Detroit Lions?
In short, if I'm understanding what I've read and seen about this correctly, prior to the Jets' game at Oakland on Sunday, Fox Sports Jay Glazer reported that Favre spoke with the Lions a few weeks ago to give them tips on how to beat Favre's former Packers. (A game, by the way, Green Bay ultimately won).
When contacted by NBC (and Sports Illustrated's) Peter King (who by many accounts is a personal friend of Favre) the Jets QB said the report was total "BS." King went on to report that denial during the NBC pregame show for its Sunday night game. From what I gather, even ESPN refused to report on the allegation.
Since then, there seems to be a lot of backtracking by many, including Favre, who said he spoke with then-Detroit GM Matt Millen (a Favre friend) but that Millen called him and they really didn't speak much about that game that week.
Many in the media are making a huge deal of this.
For me, not only is not surprising, it's not a big deal. I wouldn't be surprised if that sort if thing happens quite a bit. You think Favre is the first person to feel jilted by his former team after a trade, release, whatever, who talked to players he knew on another team that played that former team to help them?
No, Favre's biggest mistake was that he wasn't up-front from the get-go.
But in the end, Favre may have lost some of his former Packer fans and probably has a little egg on his face regardless of how much -- or little -- his conversation with Millen revealed. But in terms of the attention it has received, I would think there are other stories that rate more important.